I used to be so excited when August arrives. Well, mainly because I know that my birthday falls under this month. It's the time of year I feel so special to everybody's eyes. Haha! In fact up to now, I still look forward to celebrating my every birthday. But more to just feeling special on that day, what makes me more excited is the fact that I'll be starting another year in my life. Another year to explore, discover, be carefree and just live. Isn't that something I should be excited for? To have been given an "extension" and the chance to live it? And more to just being excited, isn't that something I should always be thankful for?
In my 24 years of existence in this world, I have learned that I should always be thankful to God for all that He has given me whether it be good or bad (in my belief -- haha!). I know my life isn't perfect but seeing how things are going for me and my family right now, I could say that God really loves me more than some people I know.
This month was totally chaotic but in a good way. There were a lot of events and happenings that totally got me busy. And in as much as I wanted to update my blog, I really could not. Haha! Anyway, so here goes my August entry (which is obviously late! LOL).
The Death of a Leader
Companies from our building (including ours) had been sponsoring healing masses for President Corazon C. Aquino as soon as news re

President Cory Aquino is indeed one of our greatest leaders. A silent leader at that. I personally believe that she's more than an icon but a true leader and a patriot. Tributes about her after her death gave me shivers. I mean, she's done a lot for the country and it was only now that I've come to know about those things. For me, she will always be the mother of our democracy.
Arrivals and Departures
NAIA has been my playground for the past two months. Haha! July was the month of arrivals and this month was for departures. My eldest brother arrived July 17th from Qatar. That's when I had my early birthday present -- a laptop. It was my biggest present this year. I never thought he'd really mean what he said that he'll be giving me a laptop on my birthday.
Just weeks after his arrival, my other brother from Singapore also arrived just to see him. Isn't that sweet? Haha! He stayed for just a week. So the family was complete even for just one week. We savored the moment going to places , shopping, and eating. After that, they both had to go back to work.
Turning 24!
So how did I celebrate my birthday? WORK! Haha! Same day at the office. I was working on my 24th birthday. But it was okay for me since I've already had a sort of celebration at home the weekend before that. And besides, I never used to throwing out a party on my birthday. In the office, though, I had to treat my office mates because they won't stop teasing me. My cellphone won't stop alerting during that day. It was so overwhelming. I really felt special. A lot of good old friends texted me sending me their greetings. Haha!
And so the day ended. But the celebration went on til Monday since it was another office mate's birthday the following day and she had her celebration on Monday. It was a week of eating, ,eating, and eating. Good thing there's always the gym to help. Haha!
I really didn't have any birthday wish in mind but it would really be nice if I was able to go to Lady Gaga's concert held on August 7. Unfortunately it was a weekday and I had a deadline to meet the following day. Aside from that, I didn't have enough money. LOL. I bought a gym equipment instead, which was on sale at the Mega Tent. Haha!
Walk the Talk 3rd Year Anniversary
Over 200 plus Lopez employees and executives including their families and friends joined the 6-km walk around Meralco Compound and back. After the anniversary walk, a short program was held wherein winners of the 4th Lopez Lifelong Basketball Tournament were awarded. Walk the Talk special awards were also given. I was given an award for perfect attendance in all the walks from August last year to this year. Awardees got to bring home a trophy, a shirt, and three thousand pesos worth of gift certificates. Cool!
Accidental Sleepover
One long weekend, me and my high school friends decided to go out on a gimmick. The original plan was to sleep over a friend's apartment. But then things got mixed

We went to MoA and watched "The Traveler's Wife," which by the way was such a nice movie. Hehe. After that, we stayed somewhere chatting. We even passed by an exhibit featuring photos from journalists. Took pictures then went somewhere to chat again.
Evening came and unfortunately, it rained heavily that I was forced not to go home. Besides, my friends keep telling me stuff just to make me stay. And so I did. The hassle of it -- I had to buy undergarments and a new toothbrush. Also, I had to wear the same shirt the following morning. Well, at least I got to take a bath and my friends didn't. Haha!
Small Trouble at the Mall
It happened during one of our family gimmicks in Megamall. We tagged along my one of my aunts together with his daughter and grand child. Me, my sister, and my cousin were buying drinks at Bubble Tea when suddenly my tita who was looking over her grand child started commenting on someone about "the kid almost got hit my a man" or whatever. To my surprise, the man and her were already arguing. I didn't know how to react about it since I didn't know who started and what it's all about. The next thing I knew, I was the one defending my tita. Haha! The experience was thrilling. I thought I should try that more often. Haha! Kidding!
So I guess that's about it for this month. Til next month or til the next time I feel like writing again. LOL.