Saturday, August 1, 2009

[July, 2009] Kapamilya for a Year Now!

July officially marked my first year in the company. Wow! I can't believe that it's already been a year. I can still remember the time I first entered our office. I was so aloof, so shy. Now, it's as if I've found a second home. A home I can't easily leave. I didn't even notice that I've already gone a year in my job.

Anyway, nothing much to highlight about this month except for the arrival of my eldest brother from Qatar. Aside from this, I was once again attacked by that "gloomy" feeling, which kind of paralyzed me for quite some time. Good thing, I was able to divert my attention to my job and to other things. Twitter addiction also peaked this month. Haha! This is when I started building my Twitter account and started following celebrities even though they seldom reply to my tweets. Regular activities including the monthly walkathon was still there.

From Qatar with Love
I had to go on leave again to fetch my brother at the airport last July 17. Once again, with several family members, we had to struggle through the typhoon just to be there on time. Fortunately, I was about to text my boss about my absence when I read a text message from him suspending work that day due to heavy rains and flooding.

We were at the airport at 12:00 noon. My brother arrived at 4:00. After fetching him, we immediately went home. As expected, a lot of relatives were already in the house waiting for their pasalubongs. It was a tiring and noisy night but also one of the best because it's when I officially received my laptop. Haha! Aside from the laptop, my brother even gave me a pair of shoes and a Timex watch. Wasn't that super amazing? Haha!

Major Gloominess
Out of nowhere, this feeling struck me again this month making me feel down and lonely. I don't know. Maybe because I'm still searching for something to complete me. Haha! My purpose, maybe.

Anyway, it didn't last that long and luckily I managed to overcome it. I just had to blog it out and that's it. The feeling just went away.

The Twitter Addiction
I used to ignore Twitter. My world used to revolve around other social networking sites such as Plurk and Facebook. But when I got to learn Twitter, I started tweeting and it won't stop til now. Twitter has become a hobby for me. A way to release stress. A way to be heard. On the lighter side, it's also a tool to communicate with your idols (even though most of them don't reply).

In just a few weeks upon creating my account, I've already had 800 plus tweets, 46 following, and 60 plus followers to date. I was even shocked when an idol I initially followed, followed me too. She's Kristinia DeBarge, a new sensation who has recently released her debut album.

Certified Kapamilya...Still!
Evaluating my current employment situation, I would say that I am still a lot fortunate than any other employee out there. My one year experience with the Lopez Group has been an amazing ride. I've learned a lot of things, been to places, met personalities and a lot more.

Although there were tough times, I am proud to say that I was able to survive (and is still surviving). Besides, we all do experience -- as employees-- problems, right? It's just a matter of handling things. And even though there were times I think of resigning, I just put in mind that getting into this company is everyone's dream. So why leave when you're already there?

Kapamilya forever!